December 21, 2009

Troop supporter guest at commander's banquet

By The American Legion
Troop supporter guest at commander's banquet
Troop supporter guest at commander's banquet

Country music star Aaron Tippin has made several trips to Afghanistan and Iraq.

Country music singer and troop supporter Aaron Tippin will perform at the National Commander's Banquet, scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Aug. 31 during the 92nd National Convention in Milwaukee.

Tippin toured the Middle East with Bob Hope during Operation Desert Storm and has made regular trips to visit U.S. forces serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tippin, who says his patriotism is inspired by both his father and Vietnam War veterans, often stays after concerts to sign autographs and visit with the troops.

The National Commander's Banquet will be at the Midwest Airlines Center, Grand Ballroom, Street Level. Tables will be rounds of 10, and each ticket is $45. Seating capacity is limited due to a large entertainment stage; therefore, ticket sales are limited to 1,950 total tickets. The department sending in the first ticket request will be seated closest to the stage.

National Headquarters will begin accepting 2010 National Commander's Banquet ticket checks on or after Jan. 4, 2010. Make checks payable to The National Treasurer of The American Legion. Go through your respective department adjutant to purchase tickets.

  • Convention