June 02, 2023

Commander commences trip to Normandy and Germany

By The American Legion
  • Commander
Commander commences trip to Normandy and Germany
Commander commences trip to Normandy and Germany

Troiola will honor the heroes of World War II, meet with NATO leadership and visit with troops stationed in Germany.

American Legion National Commander Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola is commencing a trip that will take him to Normandy to honor World War II heroes, engage with NATO leadership in Brussels and visit U.S. military bases in Germany.

“I am honored to visit Normandy and pay tribute to the brave men and women who fought and died in World War II,” said Troiola, who will lay a wreath at the D-Day ceremony. “I am also looking forward to meeting with our allies in NATO to discuss the security situation in Europe and thank our troops stationed in Germany for their service and sacrifice.”

National security will be a top priority for the commander during his visits. “This trip is important for several reasons,” he said, noting that national security was among the four pillars the Legion was founded on. “It will allow me to get a better understanding of the rapidly evolving security challenges in Europe and how The American Legion can support those efforts. After all, national security has been an integral part of the organization since its founding in 1919.”

Another aspect of national security is quality of life for servicemembers and their families. The commander’s visits to military bases in Germany will help give him a first-hand look at how our troops and their families are being supported.

“The importance of military life cannot be overstated,” Troiola said. “It is a unique and honorable journey that offers unparalleled experiences, opportunities and lessons. However, there can be immense sacrifices, not just for the brave individuals who serve in the military, but also for their families. Frequent relocations, long deployments and emotional stress can be challenging to military families. Ensuring the wellbeing of our servicemembers and their families isn't just a moral imperative, but also a strategic necessity for maintaining a mission-ready force. We owe it to them for their selfless service, and to uphold the values we stand for as the nation’s largest veterans service organization.”

  • Commander