Purchases help The American Legion fulfill its time-honored purposes.
Perhaps you noticed something a little different at the district meeting. Maybe a flash of color caught your eye during an awareness ruck, golf outing or 5K.
That “something different” is a dynamic variety of new American Legion Emblem Sales apparel and merchandise that adds the organization’s new brand marks to the traditional, time-honored emblem on products we use, to promote the organization – and look good doing it. Newly designed shirts, hats, and even golf balls are moving fast from the Geiger Operations Center in Indianapolis.
And, in case you missed it, the U.S. Space Force awaits welcome from The American Legion, including items like outdoor flags, patches, decals, shirts and mini-flag sets.
More than 200 items are brand-new to the Emblem Sales catalog and website this year. In fact, something new is added every week, from Be the One T-shirts and IndyCar jerseys to spread the message of our life-saving initiative to prevent veteran suicide (look for Be the One pins to be available in the coming months) to doormats, table runners and bumper stickers displaying the new design and the motto, “Veterans Strengthening America.”
In 2022, Emblem Sales had a record year, thanks not only to the newly branded items, but also to the best sales ever of American-made U.S. flags.
Robust sales of new American Legion apparel, gear, patriotic and promotional items are a pretty strong indication that it was time for “something different” to show our pride, not only in The American Legion, but in the Sons of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and Legion Riders. Remember to keep checking back at emblem.legion.org because even more is on the way in 2023.
I strongly urge you to look through the growing selection of items – as well as traditional American Legion clothes, gear, promotional materials and supplies – and place a convenient, secure order online or call 888-453-4466.
Most important of all, remember that every purchase you make through Emblem Sales helps support a program or pillar service of The American Legion, from oratorical competition to career fairs for veterans and their families, to Scouting awards, site visits to VA hospitals, testimony before Congress, and much more. Put simply, your purchase from Emblem Sales helps fulfill our mission to serve communities, states and the nation.
Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola
National Commander
- Commander