Let’s rally for disabled veterans and military families by raising much-needed donations as 100 Miles for Hope races toward the finish line.
Dear American Legion Family and Friends,
I hope you are staying cool in the blistering heat wave that is rolling through our country right now. As a Texan, I can empathize with those who see the mercury rising.
For those of you in The American Legion 100 Miles for Hope challenge, please be careful when exercising in the heat and humidity. While we want you to achieve greater fitness and wellness, use caution in extreme weather conditions.
It’s hard to believe that this year’s challenge is nearing its conclusion, Sept. 5. I’ve been inspired by the many American Legion members who are getting in their miles, sharing their successes and contributing toward the fundraising campaign.
And that’s where I need your immediate help.
We can still meet our fundraising goal. However, we need to rally — but that is what American Legion Family members do best.
That’s especially true when it comes to supporting our disabled comrades and families of today’s servicemembers. They are the beneficiaries of the 100 Miles for Hope fundraiser, via The American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation (V&CF).
Here’s how you can help:
• Encourage others to support you. For 100 Miles for Hope participants, a simple ask of family and friends can yield much-needed donations for the V&CF. Here are some good tips from others who have generated donations. If you haven’t actively started fundraising yet, it’s easy to get started. There are easy-to-follow resources on this page.
• Sign up now. If you have not already joined the challenge, there is time to get in your miles (And quite honestly, if you finish your miles after Sept. 5, that’s OK. The most important thing is to commit to regular exercise.) Registering is another way to support disabled veterans and military families because your entry fee goes directly to the V&CF. Sign up here.
• Support SAL challenge. Sons of The American Legion National Commander Michael Fox issued a challenge to his members: raise $10,000 for the campaign. “You can support a friend, family member, department and/or detachment,” he says. “Not everyone is able to participate in the physical aspect of the challenge. However, everyone can contribute to my $10,000 challenge by making a kind donation here. Let’s show the American Legion Family what the SAL is capable of.”
In addition to the good feeling you get from helping others, there are other incentives, too. Participants will receive rewards for achieving each of three different tier levels. More information on those incentives is available here.
We also have monthly incentives for the top fundraiser. But that’s not all — the overall fundraising champion will receive the top incentive — four tickets to the INDYCAR race of their choice during the 2023 season. Learn more about the details of these incentive programs on this page.
As we race toward the finish line of this year’s 100 Miles for Hope, let’s show our support for our disabled veterans and military families in need by donations to the V&CF that will truly enrich their lives.
That’s what we do. Because The American Legion is all about …
Veterans Strengthening America.
Paul E. Dillard
National Commander
The American Legion
- Commander