For the past 84 years, The American Legion has supported today’s young people as we observe April as Children & Youth Month.
Dear American Legion Family and Friends,
April is a time when many of us look forward to annual American Legion youth programs. Among the highlights are the National Oratorical Finals in Indianapolis, April 23-24. Following close behind are summer programs like American Legion Baseball, Junior Shooting Sports, Boys State and Boys Nation, and others that help create the leaders of tomorrow.
The oratorical finals will feature 49 American Legion department oratorical youth winners who will speak on the U.S. Constitution and compete for over $203,000 in scholarships.
For the past 84 years, The American Legion has supported today’s young people as we observe April as Children & Youth Month. Throughout this month, American Legion Family members show their local communities our commitment to young people by hosting youth activities, promoting the many American Legion youth programs, or by becoming involved in programs and organizations that support young people.
For even more ideas, check out The American Legion’s April Is Children & Youth Month brochure.
But, as you know, Children & Youth is one of the Four Pillars from which The American Legion was built. Our founders envisioned a veterans service organization that would prioritize mentoring youths in numerous ways.
I believe they would be proud of the work we do to improve the lives of youths in our communities. And that dedication can be found not just in April, but every single day on the calendar.
Here are some ways that American Legion Family members can fulfill their commitment to the youth in their communities:
· Register for the third annual 100 Miles for Hope, which runs through Sept. 5. Proceeds from registrations and donations go directly to The American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation, which supports our Temporary Financial Assistance program that ensures children of active-duty military servicemembers and Legionnaires are taken care of during an unexpected family financial crisis. As part of 100 Miles for Hope, you can also create fitness opportunities for youths like this post in Virginia did last year.
· Host an arts and craft day, community picnic with relay races and face painting, organize a nature hike, or help plant a community garden.
· Reach out to the local schools to see if you can teach flag etiquette, share what the flag means and why we recite the Pledge of Allegiance to youth in the classroom.
· Organize a community dinner at the post to raise funds for the Child Welfare Foundation. The CWF has provided more than $19 million in grants since 1954 to nonprofits that contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of the children and youth of this country.
It’s through The American Legion that youth can learn patriotism, respect for the American flag and experience what it means to serve their communities. The American Legion is where families go to feel a sense of community and give back to those that gave us our freedom. It’s another way that we are …
Veterans Strengthening America.
For God and Country,
Paul E. Dillard
National Commander
- Commander