April 26, 2020

Oxford discusses Legion COVID-19 response, Buddy Checks during national radio blitz

By The American Legion
  • Commander
Oxford discusses Legion COVID-19 response, Buddy Checks during national radio blitz
Oxford discusses Legion COVID-19 response, Buddy Checks during national radio blitz

The American Legion national commander completed 17 interviews with six occurring on national syndicates for a total audience of almost 40 million.

While safely obeying his state’s stay-at-home order in Lenoir, N.C., American Legion National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford engaged in a nationwide radio tour over the last two weeks.

Oxford discussed The American Legion’s response to the COVID-19 emergency and stressed the importance of Buddy Checks. During this period, he completed 17 interviews with six occurring on national syndicates for a total audience of almost 40 million. Included in the syndicated broadcasts were the Ben Ferguson Show, Bill Martinez Live, Frontlines of Freedom with Denny Gillem and the Mark Bishop Show.

Listen to the full interviews here.

  • Commander