April 17, 2018

Without volunteers, where would we be?

By Denise H. Rohan, National Commander

Last year, American Legion volunteers contributed 794,813 recorded hours for an annual savings of more than $19 million for VA.

Dear American Legion Family and Friends,

Behind every successful nonprofit organization is a high-performing team of volunteers. In The American Legion, it’s more than a team. It’s a community.

Our volunteers run American Legion youth programs. Without their leadership, American Legion Boys State and Boys Nation would be impossible. Without American Legion Family volunteers, our Oratorical contestants — from local to national levels — would not have the opportunity to learn in-depth about the Constitution and hone their public speaking skills. Without our patriotic members who freely give their time, school children would not learn flag respect.

American Legion volunteers also provide assistance at VA hospitals, Vet Centers, long-term care facilities and more. Our members shuttle veterans to their medical appointments, spend time with them on holidays, provide chaplain services and much more.

The impact is incredible. Consider this: Last year, American Legion volunteers contributed 794,813 recorded hours for an annual savings of more than $19 million for VA. To learn more about volunteering, download our brochure on Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service(VAVS).

This week is National Volunteer Week, a time for organizations across the country to honor volunteers for their selfless contributions and recognize the irreplaceable impact of their time and energy all year round.

To all of our volunteers, thank you for what you do. You have my everlasting gratitude this week in particular for what you do year-round, so often without recognition or fanfare. Volunteerism is the very soul of our organization, and this is a time to remember and recognize that.

Please join me this week in thanking American Legion Family volunteers. Chances are, you are volunteering right next to one today.

Family First.

  • Commander