September 28, 2015

Legion calls for action on Keystone XL Pipeline

  • Commander
Legion calls for action on Keystone XL Pipeline
Legion calls for action on Keystone XL Pipeline

National Commander Barnett: Veterans need the jobs pipeline would provide.

American Legion National Commander Dale Barnett blasted the White House today for its prolonged opposition to the job-creating Keystone XL Pipeline.

“This month marks the seventh anniversary since a permit request was submitted to the U.S. State Department that would lessen America’s dependence on Middle Eastern oil and create an estimated 42,000 jobs,” Barnett said. “Veterans need these jobs. Not just in the construction industry, but the permanent positions related to pipeline maintenance and security. The State Department has already concluded that the pipeline ‘would not substantially worsen carbon pollution.’ The American Legion was disappointed that President Obama vetoed legislation that would get the project moving. We call on him to approve the pipeline now.”

Barnett pointed out that The American Legion has passed numerous national resolutions in support of the Keystone XL pipeline and the goal to make the United States energy independent. “The oil will still be extracted,” Barnett pointed out. “The bottom line is: do we want it to be shipped from Canada to China, or would we rather have it safely transported to our country where Americans can benefit from the $15 billion per year that it would pump into our economy? The Keystone XL Pipeline has broad bipartisan support in Congress. It is long overdue for the administration to approve this economic boon that would also make America safer.”

  • Commander