The session will be held Dec. 12-17 in Indianapolis.
The 2021 session of National American Legion College will held in Indianapolis, Dec. 12-17. Visit legion.org/college for student application information.
National Legion College, conducted at National Headquarters, will provide instruction using classroom lectures and small group interactive techniques. A few areas of discussion that will be addressed during the program include:
- Leadership and mentoring at the post level and beyond.
- Communication, critical thinking and problem solving tools and techniques.
- Resolution writing.
- Use of personality types in personnel management.
- Training platforms for department, district or post level.
- Post meeting management through parliamentary techniques.
According to the National American Legion College course syllabus, applicants must complete the online American Legion Basic Training course, legion.org/alei, as a prerequisite to submitting an application. Another qualification is that applicants must be a current (paid) member of The American Legion and a member for at least three years prior to the NALC session.
For questions, please email the Internal Affairs Division at ia@legion.org.
- American Legion College