November 02, 2012

Legion College Day 5: Resolutions proposed

By The American Legion
Legion College Day 5: Resolutions proposed
Legion College Day 5: Resolutions proposed

The 55 Legion Colleges students' resolutions discuss G.I. Bill, women veterans, membership and more.


On Nov.1, the 55 American Legion National College students broke into five small groups during a mock district convention to propose and defend their resolutions. National Commander James E. Koutz presided over the meeting by calling on all students to simultaneously vote whether they were or were not in favor of passing the resolution. 

Resolutions brought forth included adding a field in the Legion's database to track gender; the Legion would use the data to identify and address women veterans needs. Many questions about the data collection, funds needed and security of women veterans information caused the resolution to go back to committee for further review. A few other resolutions included providing adequate care for veterans suffering from traumatic brain injury and/or post traumatic stress disorder by creating a Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation ad hoc committee, but the Legion currently has one; eliminating delimitating dates for the Montgomery and Post-9/11 G.I. Bill; and directly transferring Direct Membership Solicitation members from national rolls to local posts. 

The G.I. Bill resolution was rescinded because the Legion currently has a position on the matter in Resolution 83. However, one resolution did pass; it was for the Legion to continue supporting its "Service to God and Country" program by continuing its longstanding tradition and commitment for programs, contests and scholarships which require the participation in and completion of various religious projects, activities, tasks and volunteer work. 

“I appreciate the passing of the resolution because it is a resolution that I’m very close to,” said Dr. Roland J. L’Heureux, chaplain of Apache Post 27 in Apache Junction, Ariz. “(Writing the resolution) was a great experience, and I appreciate (my peers) feedback.”

Past National Commander and Legion College Chancellor Butch Miller closed the meeting with motivational remarks.

“Every one of those ideas and resolutions that you expressed are good,” he said. “If it’s a good idea, if you have the passion and if you feel like it’s the right thing to do, then don’t let people shut you down. If it’s good for the Legion and you have a passion, go for it. If you don’t have people with passion, then we wouldn’t be having these conversations or classes, and you probably wouldn’t belong to The American Legion because it would have died a long time ago.”


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