October 28, 2011

Students propose, defend resolutions

By The American Legion
Students propose, defend resolutions
Students propose, defend resolutions

The 52 Legion College students proposed and defended resolutions during a mock district meeting yesterday.

On Thursday during Legion College in Indianapolis, the 52 Legionnaires broke into five small groups to propose and defend resolutions during a mock district meeting. Resolutions, if passed at the national level, become an official American Legion position and policy.

A few examples of resolutions proposed by the small groups included the development of a study to determine the efficacy of permitting Legion membership for male spouses of female Legion members; the transfer of DMS members directly from national rolls to local posts; and departmental status for American Legion Riders.

Another resolution sought action by the VA to expand a mental health pilot program system wide that would include National Guard and Reserves. And finally, a resolution was proposed to encourage Legion departments to create a department level coordinator for women veterans.

American Legion National Commander Fang A. Wong visited the students and urged them to take what they have learned during Legion College back to their departments to work on strengthening the Legion presence and stature within their communities.

"You are the future of The American Legion," Commander Wong said to the students. "You now have the tools to become leaders. You can put them away or use them to take The American Legion to the next level. It is up to you."

Today, the students will receive their Legion College graduation diplomas before traveling back home, where they will hopefully become futures leaders at the post, district, department and national level.

  • College