June 04, 2009

Involvement in sports and employment linked

By The American Legion

Survey: Sports programs for disabled has positive effect on employability

Disabled Sports USA (DS/USA), one of the nation’s largest multisport, multidisability organizations, has released the results of a commissioned survey conducted by Harris Interactive®: “Sports and Employment among Americans with Disabilities.” Data from the survey of 1,108 working-age (18 years or older) adults with disabilities, DS/USA chapter participants and members of the Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project demonstrate the positive relationship between involvement in sports and employment levels. The survey found that DS/USA chapter participants are twice as likely to be employed as the general population of adults with disabilities (68 percent vs. 33 percent). The study also found that chapter participants are more than twice as likely as the general population of adults with disabilities to be physically active (76 percent vs. 30 percent).

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