The National Executive Committee approved regional sites at the Fall Meetings.
The American Legion National Executive Committee (NEC) approved American Legion Baseball regional tournament sites for 2021-23 at the Fall Meetings, Oct. 14-15.
Resolution 28 confirms that the dates for the regional tournaments will be Aug. 3-8, 2021; Aug. 3-7, 2022; and Aug. 2-6, 2023. Regional sites will be:
Region 1: Shrewsbury, Mass., 2021-23.
Region 2: Asheboro, N.C., 2021; Morgantown, W. Va., 2022-23.
Region 3: Montgomery, Ala., 2021; Asheboro, N.C., 2022-23.
Region 4: Hastings, Neb., 2021; Montgomery, Ala., 2022-23.
Region 5: Elmhurst, Ill., 2021; Midland, Mich., 2022-23.
Region 6: Sioux Falls, S.D., 2021; Rapid City, S.D., 2022-23.
Region 7: Gillette, Wyo., 2021-22.
Region 8: Fairfield, Calif., 2021-23.
- Baseball