October 26, 2011

Changes to baseball eligibility in 2015

By The American Legion
  • Baseball
Changes to baseball eligibility in 2015
Changes to baseball eligibility in 2015

Starting with the 2015 season, the restriction of player eligibility for American Legion Baseball will be junior-high and high-school age only.

As it stands now, students returning home after completing their freshman year in college are eligible to play Legion Baseball. But come 2015, that will all change - American Legion Baseball will become a junior-high and high-school age program.

Participants in all other American Legion youth programs, such as Boys State/Boys Nation, Shooting Sports and the Oratorical Contest, are limited to those attending high school. Thus, in effort to create uniformity amongst Legion youth programs, the National Executive Committee of The American Legion passed Resolution 46, restricting Legion Baseball player eligibility to junior high and high school students.

As foreseen by the NEC, the restriction will allow more high school athletes the opportunity to play Legion ball, because it will free up the limited number of places on team rosters, which are currently held by college-eligible players. The restriction to high school students will also help increase college coaches and scouts attendance at games and interest in players, allowing the young men a chance to display their skills and talents.

  • Baseball