Youth Support Resources

American Probation and Parole Association
The American Probation and Parole Association is an international association involved with probation, parole, and community-based corrections, in both adult and juvenile sectors. APPA provides training and technical assistance, publications and resources, an information clearinghouse, and research on a variety of issues.

Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc.
This is the headquarters of local educational and charitable organizations that promote volunteerism, participation in community affairs, and training of community leaders. It develops service projects and advocacy efforts to address issues such as juvenile justice, mental health counseling, parenting, and substance abuse.

Center for Community Change
The Center for Community Change provides on-site assistance to grassroots groups, connects people to financial and training resources and engages individuals in policy discussions.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention
The lead federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention works with partners throughout the nation to monitor health, detect and investigate health problems, conduct research to enhance prevention, develop an advocate sound public health policies, implement prevention strategies, promote healthy behaviors, and provide leadership and training.

National Association of Attorneys General
NAAG helps the Attorneys General fulfill the responsibilities of their office and assist in the delivery of high quality legal services to the states and territorial jurisdiction by fostering an environment of cooperative leadership, helping Attorneys General respond effectively to emerging state and federal issues.

National Association of Counties
The National Association of Counties allows county officials to have a strong voice in the nation's capital. NACo provides legal services, research, and technical and public affairs assistance.

National Association of Neighborhoods
NAN's mission is to improve the quality of life in the nation's neighborhoods. The Association works to inform and support neighborhood leaders through conferences, conventions, technical assistance, and national advocacy.

National Association of Town Watch
The National Association of Town Watch is dedicated to the development and promotion of organized, law enforcement-affiliated crime prevention programs, and technical assistance works with law enforcement and civilian leaders to keep volunteers interested, involved, and motivated. NATW also sponsors the annual National Night Out.

National Conference of State Legislatures
By advancing your ideas, bringing you the latest in publications, providing professional development and leadership training, and lobbying and testifying on Capitol Hill, NCSL serves as the forum where your ideas are advanced, promoted, and shared with colleagues.

National League of Cities
NLC strengthens and promotes cities as centers of opportunity, leadership, and governance by providing research, information sharing, and advocacy to the 49 state municipal leagues. And the elected leaders of the 1,700 member cities and 18,000 state league cities.

National Training and Information Center
NTIC's mission is to build grass-roots leadership and strengthen neighborhoods through issue-based community organizing. Organizers, researchers, and other NTIC staff provide training, technical assistance, research, and consultation, to community groups that are seeking ways to reduce crime and improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods.

United States Conference of Mayors
The U.S. Conference of Mayors promotes the development of effective urban/suburban policy, strengthens federal-city relationships, ensures that federal policy meets urban needs, provides mayors with leadership and management tools, and creates a forum for mayors to share ideas and information.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving
MADD offers a variety of alcohol prevention programs for youths and adults, victim services, guidance through the criminal justice system, and court accompaniment.

National Association for Children of Addiction
A national nonprofit membership association and advocate for children and families affected by alcoholism and other drug dependencies, NACoA raises public awareness, provides leadership in public policy, advocates for appropriate and effective education and prevention services, and facilitates and advances professional knowledge and understanding.

PRIDE Youth Programs
PRIDE has been a leader in the drug-prevention field, offering innovative programs that encourage youth to take the lead in drug prevention. PRIDE training programs provide young people with problem-solving and other life skills. Parents, adults, and community members offer guidance and support teams of youth dedicated to making a difference.

The National Center for Victims of Crime
The mission of the National Center for Victims of Crime is to forge national commitment to help victims of crime rebuild their lives. The center is dedicated to serving individuals, families, and communities harmed by crime by providing information and resources on victim services, civil litigation, and public policy.

National Organization for Victim Advocacy
The National Organization for Victim Advocacy is a private, nonprofit organization of victim- and witness-assistance programs and practitioners, criminal justice agencies, mental health professionals, researchers, former victims and survivors, and others committed to the recognition and implementation of victim rights and services.

Association for Conflict Resolution
The Association for Conflict Resolution is a professional organization dedicated to enhancing the practice and public understanding of conflict resolution. ACR represents a diverse national and international audience that includes more than 7,000 mediators, arbitrators, facilitators, educators, and others involved in the field of conflict resolution and collaborative decision making. ACR offers articles, newsletters, publications, and research studies on conflict resolution free of charge.

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
CSPV collects research literature and resources on the causes and prevention of violence, provides direct information services to the public by offering topical searches on customized databases, and offers technical assistance for the evaluation and development of violence-prevention programs. CSPV is also responsible for Blueprints for Violence Prevention, a project that identifies effective violence-prevention programs based upon review by a distinguished advisory board comprised of violence-prevention experts.

Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma
The Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute's mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals by sharing and disseminating information; improving networking among professionals; and assisting with program evaluation, consultation, and training that promotes violence-free living.

International Association of Chiefs of Police
IACP is the world's oldest and largest non-profit organization of law enforcement professionals from around the world. IACP provides and opportunity to acquire and share information; publications, workshops, and seminars on issues of national importance; and a collective voice and representation to address law enforcement concerns before legislative bodies, regulatory agencies, and the courts.

Evident Change
The National Council on Crime and Delinquency is a nonprofit organization that promotes effective and economically sound solutions to family, community, and justice problems, NCCD conducts research; promotes reform initiatives; and works with individuals, public and private organizations, and the media to prevent and reduce crime and delinquency.

National Urban League, Inc.
The mission of the National Urban League movement is to enable African Americans to secure economic self-reliance, parity and power, and civil rights. The three-pronged strategy for pursuing that mission is to ensure that children are well educated and equipped for economic self-reliance in the 21st century; help adults attain economic self-sufficiency through good jobs, home ownership, and entrepreneurship; and ensure civil rights by eradicating barriers to equal participation in the economic and social mainstream of America.

Though not formally approved or adopted by The American Legion, these youth organizations are provided as a research tool for our members.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America
Nearly 500 Big Brothers/Big Sisters affiliates serve hundreds of thousands of children nationwide. Big Brothers and Big Sisters are trained and supervised adult volunteers that act as friends to children and expand their horizons.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America
More than 25 national programs are available in the areas of education, alcohol and drug prevention, gang prevention, and leadership development. More than three million children are served at over 3,000 clubs, helping young people across the country gain competence, usefulness, and a sense of belonging.

Children's Defense Fund
Through its national headquarters and state and local offices around the country, CDF does programmatic and policy work on behalf of children most vulnerable to being left behind. CDF provides a strong, effective voice for all children by educating the nation about the needs of children and encouraging preventive investment before children get into trouble, drop out of school, or suffer family breakdown.

Child Welfare League of America
CWLA is the oldest and largest nonprofit organization developing and promoting policies and programs to protect America's children and strengthen America's families. CWLA's 1,000 plus member agencies are involved in prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect, positive youth development programs, child day care, and prevention and treatment of chemical dependency.

National Association of Elementary School Principals
NAESP leads in the advocacy and support for elementary- and middle-level principals and other educational leaders in their commitment to all children.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
NCMEC is the nation's resource center for child protection, providing case management services to assist law enforcement efforts to locate and recover missing children. In this effort, NCMEC offers technical assistance, information dissemination, and advice. NCMEC's CyberTipline handles leads from individuals reporting the sexual exploitation of children and the organization's advanced use of technology has revolutionized the search for missing children.

National PTA
National PTA members are on the forefront working to resolve challenges regarding young people's education, health, safety, and well being. Parental involvement remains the central focus of PTA efforts and presses for that involvement in all policies and initiatives that affect children. National PTA strives to be a voice for children, a resource for parents, and a strong advocate to public education.

National School Safety Center
The NSSC mandate focuses national attention on cooperative solutions to problems that disrupt the educational process. Special emphasis is placed on efforts to alleviate bullying and rid schools of crime, violence, and drugs, and on programs to improve student discipline, attendance, achievement, and school climate.

Prevent Child Abuse America
Since 1972, Prevent Child Abuse America has led the nation in building awareness and providing education in the effort to prevent the abuse of our nation's children. PCAA produces public service advertising and publications and provides training and technical assistance in 39 states and the District of Columbia. PCAA also provides policy leadership in implementing prevention efforts at the national and local level.

Search Institute
The Search Institute focuses on the healthy development of young people. At the heart of the Institute's work is the framework of 40 developmental assets that young people need to grow up healthy, caring, and responsible. Areas of work include applied scientific research, publications and practical tools, networking for leaders and practitioners, strategic consulting and telephone technical assistance, and training.

Boy Scouts of America
The National Council of the Boy Scouts of America supports more than 300 local councils that provide quality youth programs promoting leadership and teaching decision-making and teamwork skills. The national council provides programs and publications, promotes training, and houses a media center.

Campfire USA
CampFire USA's mission is to build caring, confident youth and future leaders through national development programs delivered to 120 local councils across the nation. Core programs include leadership development, service learning, and mentoring opportunities.

Youth Crime Watch of America
YCWA enables youth to become resources for preventing crime, drug use, and violence in their schools and communities. Youth take ownership for their own programs in schools, neighborhoods, public housing sites, recreational centers, or parks. Youth led programs encourage crime reporting, mentoring and mediation.

Girl Scouts of the USA
Girl Scouts of the USA provides research, programs, and resources that help young girls build leadership, decision-making, and teamwork skills. Through advocacy efforts, Girl Scouts informs and educates key representatives of the government about issues important to girls and scouting.

National 4-H Council
The National 4-H Council provides grants, establishes programs and initiatives, designs and publishes curriculum and reference materials, and creates linkages fostering innovation and shared learning to advance the 4-H youth development movement, building a world in which youth and adults lean, grow, and work together as catalysts for positive change.

National Family Partnership
The National Family Partnership shares tools, strategies, and resources to support families and communities in their effort to promote safe, drug-free youth, NEP also sponsors Red Ribbon Week.

National Youth Leadership Council
The National Youth Leadership Council's mission is to build vital, just communities through service learning. NYLC is at the forefront of efforts to reform education and guide youth-oriented public policy.

Street Law, Inc.
Street Law, Inc. provides young people with information about law, democracy, and human rights and provides youth leadership programs in communities and schools nationally and internationally.