National Security Commission


  • To recommend policies that will ensure the national security of the United States of America;
  • To have an understanding of the federal budget process and the budget of the United States departments of Defense, State and Homeland Security;
  • To maintain a professional working relationship with the United States departments of Defense, State and Homeland Security;
  • To maintain a professional working relationship with all congressional oversight committees and staff relating to the purposes of the Commission;
  • To monitor the hearings of these oversight committees and provide congressional testimony in cooperation with the Legislative Commission and staff;
  • To be knowledgeable about security threats to the United States of America as defined by the United States departments of Defense, State and Homeland Security;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

National Security committees:

Aerospace Committee
Milton Woodle, North Carolina, Chairman


  • To consider and project the advancement of military and commercial aerospace technologies and programs to include space exploration and research;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

Conventional Armed Forces Committee
Thomas B. Schottenbauer, Minnesota, Chairman


  • To review the budgets of the Departments of the Army, Navy (including the Marine Corps) and the Air Force;
  • To recommend policies to ensure that the United States armed forces are of sufficient numbers, with quality training and modern equipment, to counter any strategic threat from any nation, a combination, or a terrorist threat to the United States of America and its allies;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

Foreign Relations Committee
Michael J. Landkamer, Nebraska, Chairman


  • To review the policies of the United States Department of State;
  • To make recommendations that will enhance the core objectives of the Department of State, those being: (a) promoting peace and stability in regions of vital interest, (b) creating jobs at home by opening markets abroad, (c) assisting nations in establishing investment and export opportunities, and (d) bringing nations together and forging partnerships to address global problems such as terrorism, the spread of communicable disease, cross-border pollution, humanitarian crises, nuclear smuggling and narcotics trafficking;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

Law and Order & Homeland Security Committee
George W. Wehrli, Florida, Chairman


  • To review the policies and objectives of the United States Department of Homeland Security;
  • To make recommendations which relate to homeland security, the United States Coast Guard, the governmental and nongovernmental roles in disaster management and recovery that enhance the internal and external security and the security of the borders of the United States;
  • To review immigration policies as they may affect the internal and external security of the United States;
  • To support and recognize the contributions of police, fire and first responders at all levels;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

Military Benefits & Quality of Life Committee
William J. Flanagan, Illinois, Chairman


  • To review compensation, retirement benefits, health care and quality-of-life issues for service personnel of the active, reserve and guard components of our nation’s military and military retirees, as well as their families and dependents;
  • To make recommendations that will assure the quality of life of our armed forces personnel and military retirees;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

National Guard & Reserve Forces Committee
Guillermo Guillen, Virginia, Chairman


  • To review the budgets of the National Guard and Reserve components of the armed services to ensure that the Guard and Reserve Forces have sufficient numbers of personnel for assigned missions both state and federal and sufficient budgets for training, as well as modern equipment to meet all obligations.

Unconventional Forces & Intelligence Committee
Douglas E. Haggan, Indiana (France), Chairman


  • To review the budgets, as available, of the Special Operations Command and the Central Intelligence Agency as well as those of other intelligence agencies;
  • To recommend policies as to sufficient personnel, quality training, modern equipment, and the sharing of intelligence between this command and all other intelligence agencies regarding national security, terrorist activity and strategic threats to our nation;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.
