Legislative Commission


  • To provide the National Executive Committee with a copy of the annual consolidated Legislative Council activities report (which summarizes the Legislative Council’s grass-roots lobbying efforts for each congressional session and is due to the National Executive Committee at its Pre-Convention meeting per Resolution 28, NEC, October 19-20, 1994);
  • To collect, into a single report, a comprehensive compilation of all resolutions adopted by the National Convention and/or the National Executive Committee which seek action by the United States Congress or are a legislative policy statement of The American Legion;
  • To update this compilation after each of the aforementioned sessions into a comprehensive summary of The American Legion’s legislative program (all resolutions requiring legislative action become part of The American Legion’s legislative program immediately upon adoption, and the Legislative Commission shall compile such resolutions and make the current compilation in its entirety a part of its report to each meeting of the National Executive Committee for the sole purpose of establishing an orderly historical record of resolutions stating legislative policy and/or requiring legislative action, per Rules of the National Executive Committee, 8b.);
  • To assist other commissions and their staffs in representing The American Legion before the United States Congress, and each committee thereof, on all legislative matters in which The American Legion is officially interested;
  • To assist, through its reports to the National Executive Committee and its liaison with other Commissions, in the formulation of appropriate legislative actions to be officially endorsed by resolution adopted by The American Legion;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

