Internal Affairs Commission


  • To formulate and recommend policies and to oversee the implementation of adopted policies relating to activities conducted for organizational purposes, including but not limited to such policies as do not properly come within the scope of any other national commission;
  • To review and give guidance to the necessary administrative operations of the National Headquarters;
  • To recommend policies and procedures relating to trophies and awards given by the national organization in connection with American Legion activities;
  • To act on all nominations for the American Legion Distinguished Service Medal and report recommendations to the National Executive Committee;
  • To be responsible for the contents of the Manual of Ceremonies, promotion of the use of the manual, the proper wearing of uniforms, caps, regalia, official badges, etc.;
  • To review and recommend to the National Executive Committee, recipients of the International Amity Award and the Canadian Friendship Award;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

Internal Affairs committees:

American Legion Riders Advisory Committee

Mark Clark, Missouri, Chairman


• To work in concert, as directed by the Internal Affairs Commission, with American Legion posts, districts and departments as needed to build awareness and support of the Legion Rider program and the annual Legacy Run;

• Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

Constitution & By-Laws Committee
Hon. Vincent M. Gaughan, Illinois, Chairman


  • To study and make proper recommendations concerning all matters pertaining to the Constitution & By-Laws and all matters pertaining to the Uniform Code of Procedure for the Organization of National Conventions of The American Legion;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

Membership & Post Activities Committee
Mike Cooke, Wyoming, Chairman


  • To formulate and recommend policies and to oversee the implementation of adopted policies relating to the enrollment of members, the collection of dues, the functioning of department, posts and intermediate levels in a manner to attract and retain members, and the development of leadership training and promotional activities necessary to the foregoing;
  • To develop and execute a multiyear membership and post procurement plan which shall be approved by the National Executive Committee (the NEC shall be updated on the plan’s progress at least once per year (May 2012 NEC));
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

National Convention Resolutions Assignment Committee
Bruce Feuerbach, Iowa, Chairman


  • To meet as needed prior to the National Convention to receive and consider germane and appropriate resolutions;
  • To transmit appropriate and germane resolutions with or without recommendation to the appropriate Convention Committee;
  • To return, through and with the consent of the Secretary of the National Convention, to the source inappropriate or non-germane resolutions that may be resubmitted, when corrected, to the National Executive Committee or National Convention by the originator. Inappropriate or non-germane resolutions include, but are not limited to:  Convention resolutions (1) containing more than one subject, (2) calling for or requiring the expenditure of funds, (3) containing personal attacks or derogatory characterizations, (4) outside the purview, (5) not pertinent or inappropriate for action by the National Convention or (6) unclear and undocumented. Deficient resolutions, once corrected, in order to be reconsidered, need to be resubmitted to the National Convention or National Executive Committee as provided in the National Constitution and By-Laws. Questions about resolutions should be reviewed with the National Adjutant as secretary of the convention. Other national officers or staff may be involved, as appropriate;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

Sons of The American Legion Advisory Committee
Joseph Mayne, Minnesota, Chairman


  • To discuss issues germane to Sons of The American Legion and recommend courses of action to the Sons of The American Legion Oversight Committee;
  • To collect detachment recommendations for Sons of The American Legion national offices and positions and recommend approval of same and year of service to the Sons of The American Legion Oversight Committee. 

Sons of The American Legion Oversight Committee
Michael Seaton, California, Chairman


  • To oversee and approve the administrative and appointive actions of Sons of The American Legion;
  • Appoint members to the Sons of The American Legion Finance Commission;
  • Work closely with the Sons of The American Legion Resolution Subcommittee to ensure resolutions are in proper format, germane to Sons of The American Legion and do not conflict with American Legion resolutions.
