Joseph's affiliation with the American Legion runs deep. He is a charter member of Otero-Garcia-Navarrete Squadron 72 in Albuquerque, N.M. His eligibility stems from his father, Tony Navarrete, a Vietnam-era U.S. Army veteran. From his earliest memories, The American Legion has been an integral part of his life, a testament to his unwavering commitment.
Joseph is humbled and grateful to have garnered the endorsement and support of a diverse range of American Legion entities. These include the Otero-Garcia-Navarrete Post 72, Unit 72, Squadron 72, American Legion Riders Chapter 23, and the Detachment and Department of New Mexico. He also enjoys the backing of the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of New Mexico, further underscoring his broad appeal and potential for effective leadership.
Joseph’s parents raised him and his brother in a home that revolved around Legion values: volunteerism, patriotism, Americanism and good citizenship. Legion events and the ceremonies to honor our veterans were part of their daily lives. His respect for veterans and their sacrifices is genuine and sincere. They are a proud Legion Family. His father, Tony, continues to serve the Legion as Department and Detachment Adjutant for New Mexico. His mother, Rita, is the American Legion Auxiliary's past national president (2009-2010). His brother, Steven, is a long-time member of Squadron 72 and director of the New Mexico Boys State program.
A graduate of the National Management Institute, Joseph has familiarized himself with valuable organizational information. In preparation for his role as Sons of The American Legion national commander, he served on a variety of committees and positions, including National Vice Commander, NEC, Alt NEC, and Subcommittee on Resolutions, appointed by The American Legion to the Committee on Committees and appointed to the Strategic Planning Ad-hoc Committee. He has also served as chairman of the Membership Committee, Veterans Employment & Education Commission and the Americanism Commission.
Joseph and his wife Loretta share a family of seven children and eight grandchildren. Through example, they hope to give each of them the same values of honor, love and respect for God and country.