June 27, 2021

FAQs for the 100 Miles for Hope Breakout Challenge

By The American Legion
100 Miles

The American Legion is offering a monthlong competition for departments as part of the 100 Miles for Hope.

Announced in late June, The American Legion 100 Miles For Hope Breakout Challenge is a contest throughout July for departments. The idea was the brainchild of the Department of California, and revealed by American Legion National Commander Bill Oxford in an email on June 25.

The competition was created as a way to encourage fitness and wellness among American Legion Family members, encourage more donations to the Veterans & Children Foundation (V&CF) and provide a little incentive.

Here are some questions and answers about the breakout challenge:

Question: How can I participate?

Answer: Please visit this page about the breakout challenge for details on how to register and start supporting your department.

Question: When does the competition start and end?

Answer: You may sign up at any time. The contest officially kicks off July 1 and runs throughout the entire month.

Question: How are the winning departments chosen? And what do they receive?

Answer: The winning department in each category will be chosen by how much money they raise for the V&CF during July. Totals will be tabulated by signups on the Kilter app, donations made through the app and purchases of 100 Miles for Hope merchandise via Emblem Sales.

Question: Which category is my department in?

Answer: Here is the list:

Category 1: California, Florida, New York and Pennsylvania.

Category 2: Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota and Ohio.

Category 3: Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Category 4: Arizona, Georgia, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina and Washington state.

Category 5: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and West Virginia.

Category 6: Alaska, Delaware, Washington, D.C., Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming, France, Puerto Rico, Philippines and Mexico.

Question: How are donations counted toward my department’s total?

Answer: Donations are tracked by ZIP code, and will be credited to the appropriate department.

Question: Are there any other ways to help support my department?

Answer: Absolutely! If you choose not to participate in the breakout challenge, you can still support your department and the V&CF in a couple of ways. Your donation via the Kilter app to the foundation to support a participant from your department will count, whether you are signed up as a participant or not. And all 100 Miles for Hope merchandise purchases at Emblem Sales during July will also be counted. There are plenty of commemorative options available, including shirts, ball caps, challenge coins and more.

Question: I heard there was a special Riders challenge, too. Is this the same thing?

Answer: The special Riders challenge is separate but is open to both chapters and individual Riders. This challenge runs through Sept. 6, when the main 100 Miles challenge concludes. Visit this web page to learn more about the Riders challenge.

Question: Where else can I get information about the breakout challenge?

Answer: All the more information, including links to register, can be found here.


  • 100 Miles