June 07, 2021

A special challenge for Legion Riders

By Henry Howard
  • 100 Miles

The American Legion 100 Miles for Hope launches a new challenge for Riders with special incentives to support the Veterans & Children Foundation.

Thanks to an idea from American Legion Rider Thomas Mowbray of Tennessee, a special challenge within The American Legion 100 Miles for Hope has been created.

Mowbray suggested a 100 miles spinoff for American Legion Riders, a recommendation that the American Legion Riders Advisory Committee approved.

The 100 Miles for Hope Riders Challenge is now open to either Riders chapters or individual members. There are several tier levels with varying rewards that either chapters or individuals can reach.

“Our Riders wanted to support The American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation (V&CF),” said Mark Clark, chairman of the National Riders Advisory Committee. “While the Legacy Scholarship Fund will always be our primary fundraiser, the foundation is a wonderful charity that has our full support. Our riders are excited about this new opportunity to support our nation’s disabled veterans and military families who are struggling.”

All proceeds from the 100 miles challenge and special Riders challenge go toward the V&CF. The foundation supports training and resources for accredited American Legion service officers who provide free assistance to veterans who need help acquiring their earned VA benefits. It also funds Temporary Financial Assistance grants that help military families with minor children at home who are facing financial crises.

“I am so appreciative of our American Legion Riders who are in full support of our 100 miles program and the Veterans & Children Foundation,” said American Legion National Commander Bill Oxford. “I look forward to seeing how far they go and how many chapters and riders hit the top-tier goals, and beyond.”

To participate, Riders register through the Kilter app. Registration is $20, however those who are already signed up for 100 Miles for Hope do not need to sign up again. Go to this page to sign up for the special Riders challenge. If you have already signed up for 100 Miles for Hope, please reach out to friends@kilterrewards.com to receive the free code for the special Riders challenge.

When you register, you will also want to place yourself in your chapter (team). If you don’t see it listed, reach out to friends@kilterrewards.com to create your chapter.

Clark explained that each tier level has a minimum number of points, using one minute of riding for one point, and a minimum number of donations raised through the Kilter app. Both tier levels must be reached to qualify for that reward. The tier levels are:


 Tier 1: Chapter rides 500 minutes and accumulates $500 in donations. Incentive: Downloadable certificate from national commander.

• Tier 2: Chapter rides 1,000 minutes and accumulates $1,000 in donations. Incentive: Small plaque signed by national commander.

• Tier 3: Chapter rides 1,500 minutes and accumulates $1,500 in donations. Incentive: Large plaque signed by national commander


• Chairman’s Challenge: Member rides 100 minutes and accumulates $100 in donations. Incentive: Downloadable certificate from Riders chairman.

• Commander’s Challenge: Member rides 250 minutes and accumulates $250 in donations. Incentive: Downloadable certificate from national commander.

To learn more about how to donate, as a member or chapter, please visit here.

Once they are signed up, Riders may start accumulating their minutes and donations. The end of the challenge is Sept. 6.

Clark, who rides with Chapter 21 out of the Tirey J. Ford Post 21 in Independence, Mo., encouraged chapters to go out for a group ride and collect donations to hit the highest tier level possible. “I know my chapter will be among the first heading out,” he said. “After more than a year of restrictions and isolation, I know many riders and their chapters are itching to get out and go. And this is a great opportunity to support a worthy cause at the same time.”



  • 100 Miles