James A. LaCoursiere Jr. was elected National Commander of The American Legion on Aug. 29, 2024, in New Orleans, during the 105th National Convention.
An Air Force veteran, LaCoursiere has been a longtime field representative for the American Legion Department of Connecticut’s Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Fund, which financially assists veterans and their families in need.
LaCoursiere has held many leadership positions at The American Legion post, department (state) and national levels. He is a member of American Legion Post 91 in Moosup, Conn. He has also served as a national vice commander, Connecticut state commander, and chairman of the national Legislative Commission.
LaCoursiere is married to his wife, Lisa, and has two children (Patrick and Meghan), and three stepchildren (Jason, Kaylene and the late Johnathan).
Born to a military family in Honolulu, Hawaii, LaCoursiere attended Montville High School where he played junior varsity football, varsity football and varsity track.
As national commander, LaCoursiere is strongly committed to raising awareness for The American Legion’s Be the One mission to prevent veteran suicide.
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