Tune in live for Oratorical finals

Tune in live for Oratorical finals

On April 11, The American Legion National Oratorical Championship Contest will be streamed live via the Legion's Web site.

Coming back year after year

Coming back year after year

Involved with the program for more than 20 years, Lee Harris shares his insight on The American Legion's National Oratorical Championship Contest.

Department Oratorical winner names due

Department Oratorical winner names due

March 8 is the deadline for American Legion state departments to submit the names of winners participating in the Legion's 73rd National Oratorical Championship Contest to national headquarters.

2007 Oratorical champ shining at NYU

2007 Oratorical champ shining at NYU

Co'Relous Bryant, the 2007 American Legion's National High School Oratorical champion, is putting what he learned in the contest toward his experiences at New York University.

Hoosier student wins 2009 Oratoricals

Hoosier student wins 2009 Oratoricals

High school senior Andrew Dykstal from Lafayette, Ind., won first place in The American Legion National High School Oratorical Scholarship Program in Indianapolis April 18-19. He was awarded an $18,000 scholarship.
